The price level/U of M combination is not included in the price list for this item


You receive the following message when you enter a transaction or do a price check for an item on an Omni Price contract.

The price level/U of M combination is not included in the price list for this item.


This message appears when the U of M or Price Level being used in the Omni Price Check window or Sales Transaction Entry window has not been setup for the specific item being used in the GP Item Price List Maintenance window.


Compare the U of M and the Price Levels being used in either the Omni Price Check window or the SOP Transaction Entry window to what has been setup in Great Plains. To compare them:

  1. Open the Item Card under Cards | Inventory | Item.
  2. Choose the item in Item Number field.
  3. Click Go-To and choose Price List.
  4. Verify the U or M or Price Level being used has also been setup and assigned to this item.
  5. Open the Transaction Entry window.
  6. Enter the same Item Number.
  7. Click the Show Details button (two blue arrows) to expand the view.
  8. Confirm the U of M and Price Level are accurate.