How to modify the WDC Pricing Transaction Inquiry Report to show the difference between the Original Unit Price and the Special Unit Price


The steps here describe how to modify the WDC Pricing Transaction Inquiry Report to show the difference between the Original Unit Price and the Special Unit Price.


Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  2. Go to Inquiry | Omni Price | Pricing Transactions.
  3. In the Pricing Transaction Enquiry window, click Print.
  4. In the Report Destination window, mark the Screen checkbox only, and then click OK.
  5. In the Screen Output – WDC Pricing Transaction Inquiry Report window, click Modify.
  6. In the Toolbox window, select Calculated Fields in the dropdown field, and then click New.
  7. >In the Calculated Field Definition window:
    1. Enter Original Unit Price for the Name.
    2. Select Currency for Result Type.
    3. In the Fields section, select Calculated Fields for Resources and (C) Original Unit Price for Field, and then click Add.
    4. Click OK.
  8. In the Toolbox window, select Calculated Fields in the dropdown field, and then click New.
  9. In the Calculated Field Definition window:
    1. Enter Special Unit Price for the Name.
    2. Select Currency for Result Type.
    3. In the Fields section, select Calculated Fields for Resources and (C) Special Unit Price for Field, and then click Add.
    4. Click OK.
  10. In the Toolbox window, select Calculated Fields in the dropdown field, and then click New.
  11. In the Calculated Field Definition window:
    1. Enter Original Unit Price minus Special Unit Price for the Name.
    2. Select Currency for Result Type.
    3. In the Fields section, select Calculated Fields for Resources and Original Unit Price for Field, and then click Add.
    4. In the Operators section, click the – (minus sign) button.
    5. In the Fields section, select Calculated Fields for Resources and Special Unit Price for Field, and then click Add.
    6. Click OK.
  12. In the Toolbox window, select Calculated Fields in the dropdown field, select the Original Unit Price minus Special Unit Price calculated field and drag it to the B (Body) section of the report.
  13. Once the Original Unit Price minus Special Unit Price calculated field is in the B section of the report, double click the field.
  14. In the Report Field Options window, click the Format field lookup button.
  15. In the Format Lookup window, click New.
  16. In the Format Definition window:
    1. Enter Right2Decimals() for the Format Name.
    2. Select Right for Alignment.
    3. Enter 2 for Decimal Digits.
    4. Select () for Negative Symbol.
    5. Mark the Show Thousands Separator.
    6. Mark the Show Currency Symbol.
    7. Click OK.
  17. In the Format Lookup window, click OK.
  18. In the Report Field Options window, click OK.
  19. Add a text field to the RH (Report Header) section of the report to give the field a column name.
  20. Click File | Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  21. Click Save to Do you want to save the changes to this report layout?
  22. Click Save to Do you want to save the changes to this report?
  23. Back in Microsoft Dynamics GP, give the User ID security to the modified report:
    1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | System | Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
    2. Select the DEFAULTUSER ID, for example, or the appropriate ID.
    3. Select Omni Price for the Product.
    4. Select Reports for the Type.
    5. Select All for the Series.
    6. Expand 3rd Party, expand WDC Pricing Transaction Inquiry Report, and then mark Omni Price (Modified).
    7. Click Save.