Error: Unhandled script exception: Illega address for field ‘Print_BDL’ in script ‘FillActionsButton’. Script terminated.





The following error message appears when you try to open the Sales Transaction Entry window:




Unhandled script exception:  Illega address for field ‘Print_BDL’ in script ‘FillActionsButton’. Script terminated.













A possible cause to this error is that you are on version 2013 R2 for GP but you are on version 2013 of Omni Price.





  1. Log into GP as SA or a GP Administrator.
  2. Verify your GP version. Go to Help | About Microsoft Dynamics GP. Do you see 12.00.XXXX (R2)? If you do, that means you are on GP 2013 R2.
  3. Verify your Omni Price version. Go to Help | Rockton Software Support. Do you see 12.0.X or 12.0.XXXX? If you see 12.0.X, you are NOT on the 2013 R2 build for Omni Price, and you will need to upgrade Omni Price to 2013 R2 using the steps in this KB link.
  4. After the versions between GP and Omni Price are both on 2013 R2, the Users should no longer receive the error message.

If the above resolution does not resolve the situation, please let Rockton Software Support know, and then use the following work around:



  1. Log into GP as SA or a GP Administrator.
  2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | System | Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports.
  3. Select the Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID that is assigned to that specific User. Note: To see what Alternate/Modified Forms and Reports ID is assigned to the User, go to the User Security Setup window (Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | System | User Security).  
  4. Then Select Omni Price for Product, Windows for Type, and All for Series.
  5. Expand Sales Transaction Entry.
  6. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP.
  7. Repeat Steps 5 and 6 for the Sales Item Detail Entry window.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Have the User log out of GP completely and then log back into GP. They should no longer receive the error message and Omni Price should still work correctly for them.