How to change User Security for a Role in the Security Manager window

The steps here will describe how to change User Security for a Role in the Security Manager window.

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Make a complete restorable back up and have all users exit the system.
  2. Log into Microsoft Dynamics GP as sa or a POWERUSER.
  3. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP I Tools | Setup | Dynamics GP Toolbox | Security Manager.
  4. Select the Company ID and a Filter.
  5. For the User ID and Role you would like to change security for, right-click in that User ID’s column on the specific Role row, and then click the appropriate security option: Yes or No.

    Note: If you are not able to select Yes or No, close the Security Manager window, and then verify the User ID you are logged in as has Update Privileges.

    1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Dynamics GP Toolbox | System Settings.
    2. In the Dynamics GP Toolbox System Settings window, double click on Security Manager.
    3. Click the Users with Update Privileges Users button.
    4. In the User-Specific Tool Settings window, mark the checkbox for the appropriate User ID(s).
    5. Click OK.
    6. In the Dynamics GP Toolbox System Settings window, click OK.
  6. Click OK to save your changes and close the Security Manager window.