How to redirect a User from one window to another window using the Redirect tool

The steps here describe how to set up and use the Redirect tool.


In this example, users who do not have access to the Employee Maintenance window will be redirected to the Employee Inquiry window when they try to drill back on the Employee ID from the Payroll Transaction Entry window.

Note: You can use the same logic for other windows you are setting up the Redirect tool for.

These are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Dynamics GP Toolbox | System Settings.
  2. Double click Redirect.
  3. Mark the Enable Redirect checkbox.
  4. Click the Add Redirect button.
  5. Enter Employee Maintenance in the Redirect From field.Note: If the window name is not appearing when you search on it, try using Inspector to see what the window name is.
    1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Dynamics GP Toolbox | Inspector.
    2. Go to Cards | Payroll | Employee Maintenance.
    3. In the upper left side of the Inspector window, you will see the name of the window.
  6. Enter Employee Inquiry in the Redirect To field.
  7. Enter Payroll Transaction Entry in the Source Window.
  8. Click Add.
  9. Click Yes to the question: Would you like to populate the To Window with values from the Source Window?
  10. Select Employee ID in both the Payroll Transaction Entry Fields and the Employee Inquiry Fields sections, and then click Link.
  11. Click OK.
  12. Click OK.

Now, when a User who does not have access to the Employee Maintenance window but who does have access to the Employee Inquiry window tries to drill back on an Employee ID in the Payroll Transaction Entry, they will be redirected to the Employee Inquiry window.