How to disable the Mentor window from automatically opening when Users log into GP.



The steps here will describe how to disable the Mentor window from automatically opening when Users log into Microsoft Dynamics GP.




Option 1: The manual process for each User is as follows:


  1. In the Mentor window, click the button with two radio buttons on it to the right of the Search for field.
  2. In the Mentor Options window, unmark the following option:
    1. Open Mentor on Startup.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Click OK.


Option 2: The Microsoft SQL Server script process for all Users or for a specific User is as follows:


  1. Make a complete restorable backup and have all Users log out of the system.
  2. Log into the Microsoft Dynamics GP server in SQL Server Management Studio.
  3. Run the following statement in SQL Server Management Studio:
    1. Select * from DYNAMICS..RSTB001 where RSTB_System_Setting_Key = ‘MENTOR_Open_On_Startup’
    2. If you want it to NOT open for ALL Users, you can run the following statement:
      1. Update DYNAMICS..RSTB001 set RSTB_System_Setting_Valu = 0 where RSTB_System_Setting_Key = ‘MENTOR_Open_On_Startup’
    3. If you want it to NOT open for a specific User, you can run the following statement:
      1. Update DYNAMICS..RSTB001 set RSTB_System_Setting_Valu = 0 where USERID = ‘XXX’ and RSTB_System_Setting_Key = ‘MENTOR_Open_On_Startup’
        1. Replace XXX with the specific User ID.