Error "A get/change first operation on table 'Rockton_Usage_Statistics_MSTR' cannot find the table. Could not find stored procedure 'DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_RSIUSAGEF_1'. Invalid object name 'DYNAMICS.dbo.RSIUSAGE'."


During installation I am getting the errors, ‘A get/change first operation on table ‘Rockton_Usage_Statistics_MSTR’ cannot find the table. Followed by, Could not find stored procedure ‘DYNAMICS.dbo.zDP_RSIUSAGEF_1’. Invalid object name ‘DYNAMICS.dbo.RSIUSAGE’.’ How do I resolve them?


These errors indicate a dll file did not get registered. To register the dll and install the product successfully, please do the following:

1.  Exit out of Dynamics GP.
2.  Copy all files from the SmartFill Download Resources folder to the Dynamics GP folder.
3.  Run the RegisterAssembly.bat file from the Dynamics GP folder by right-mouse clicking on it and choosing ‘Run’ or ‘Run as Administrator’.
4.  Launch Dynamics GP and try the installation again.