You receive the following error in GP.
Script Error, 'An error has occurred in the script on this page. Line: XXX Char 6 Error Object doesn’t support this property or method Code: 0 URL file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/XXX/Local%20Settings/Temp/HomePage.xml Do you want to continue running scripts on this page?'
This error is related to Dynamics GP and not a Rockton Software product. This error may occur if you do not have the Microsoft Office Web Components installed.
The following information is on Microsoft PartnerSource to resolve this error:
- The Microsoft Office Web Components are required for the metric feature of the Microsoft Dynamics GP home page.
- If the computer has a Microsoft Office 2000 program or a Microsoft Office XP program installed, use the Office Web Components for Office XP.
- If the computer has a Microsoft Office 2003 program or a 2007 Microsoft Office program installed, use the Office Web Components for Office 2003.
- To obtain the Office Web Components for Office 2003, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
- To obtain the Office Web Components for Office XP, visit the following Microsoft Web site:
You can install the Microsoft Office Web Components even if no Microsoft Office program is installed on the computer on which you receive the error message.
If no Microsoft Office program is installed, install the Office Web Components for Office 2003.