Sales Order Processing to Purchase Order Processing Link in Dynamics GP

This article provides an overview of the SOP (Sales Order Processing) to POP (Purchase Order Processing) link in Dynamics GP.


When there’s a shortage on a sales line item or an item is back-ordered, you can generate a purchase order for the item. This can also be done for drop-ship and non-inventoried items. You can create purchase orders from orders or back orders in Sales Order Processing or link sales documents to existing purchase orders.

Generating Purchase Orders from Sales Documents

Use the Purchase Orders Preview window to view and modify pending purchase orders or generate new ones from orders or back orders. Linking sales documents to existing purchase orders is also possible if Sales Order Processing is configured to allow it. If a purchase order for back-ordered items already exists, you can link the sales line items to it. When the items are received, they are automatically allocated or fulfilled on the sales document. Note that a sales line item can only be linked to one purchase order line item.

To open the Purchase Orders Preview window from a sales document, navigate to Actions >> Purchase.

Components of the Purchase Orders Preview Window

The Purchase Orders Preview window displays pending purchase orders that can be created from selected sales documents. Information about the vendor, purchase order, item, or sales document is shown. When accessed from the Sales Transaction Entry window, the purchase orders generated from that sales document are displayed. When accessed from the Sales Range Inquiry window, it shows purchase orders from sales documents defined in the inquiry window with a Needs purchase commitment status.

Several views are available to display information in the Purchase Orders Preview window, allowing examination and modification of pending purchase orders before generation.

Handling Errors and Warnings

If an error or warning is detected on a pending purchase order, an icon will appear next to the object in the tree view, and an alert message will display when attempting to generate the purchase orders. More details about the error or warning will be at the bottom of the window. The window uses a tree view to show pending or existing purchase orders, organized by vendor, purchase order, item, and sales document. A check mark next to an object indicates it will be included when generating purchase orders. You can mark or unmark objects, which will also apply to associated objects.

Printing and Generating Purchase Orders

You can print the Purchase Orders Preview list before generating purchase orders by choosing the Print icon or File >> Print. This report lists all pending purchase order information, including any errors and warnings.

Generating a Purchase Order from a Single Sales Document

  1. Open the Sales Transaction Entry window (Sales >> Transactions >> Sales Transaction Entry).
  2. Select a sales document with a back-ordered quantity.
  3. Choose Purchase to open the Purchase Orders Preview window.
  4. Review and modify pending purchase order information as needed.
  5. Review the objects in the tree view and make adjustments.
  6. Preview the marked pending purchase order information by printing the Purchase Orders Preview list.
  7. Choose Generate to create the purchase order.

Generating Purchase Orders from Multiple Sales Documents

  1. Open the Sales Document Range Inquiry window (Sales >> Inquiry >> Sales Range Inquiry).
  2. Select or create an Inquiry ID to choose a range of sales documents.
  3. Choose Redisplay to update the window.
  4. Choose Purchase to open the Purchase Orders Preview window.
  5. Review and modify pending purchase order information as needed.
  6. Review the objects in the tree view and make adjustments.
  7. Print the Purchase Orders Preview list if desired.
  8. Choose Generate to create the purchase orders, and the Purchase Orders Generation Register will be printed, listing created purchase orders and included items and quantities.

Linking Sales Documents to Existing Purchase Orders

If configured, the system can link sales line items with quantity shortages to existing purchase orders. If a purchase order exists for the line item, it will be listed in the Purchase Orders Preview window. You can manually link, change, or delete links for sales line items to existing purchase orders. The PO Commitment for Sales Document window allows checking the status of linked purchase orders.

For more detailed information, refer to the Sales Order Processing documentation on the Microsoft Learn web page.