After a report displays to screen I want to change a parameter. How can I avoid re-typing all of the parameters each time?

After a report displays to screen I want to change a parameter. How can I avoid re-typing all of the parameters each time?

Let’s say your users run a report in DRM that has 4 parameters in it and they collect those four from screen scraping or defaulting inside of DRM, and the report displays to screen.  Now suppose they want to refresh that report inside of the viewer, but this time they want to change just one of the parameters and keep the other 3 the same.

When they hit the Refresh Button in the viewer, the parameter entry dialog will open and they will have to retype in every single parameter, often not knowing what to type in at all. When they have the DRM “remember” feature turned on, the dialog box displays and it shows all the parameters they last passed to the report, so that they don’t have to re-type any of them.  If they want, they could modify one of them, but it saves the time and trouble of having to type them all in again in a very cumbersome interface.  Crystal’s parameter entry windows are very awkward.