Default value or value provided for the report parameter 'SOPNUMBER is not a valid value.

I am setting up a SRS report and when generating the report from Report Manager everything looks fine, however when attempting to generate using DRM I receive the message “Default value or value provided for the report parameter ‘SOPNUMBER is not a valid value. I have other SRS reports printing successfully from DRM. What could be the issue with this report?

First you will want to verify the parameter name in DRM exactly matches the parameter name in the SRS Report Manager.

If your parameters match then the parameter field you are using may include additional spaces in SQL. GP stores nearly all fields at a fixed length. Most of the fields in SQL include additional spaces to the right of the data. When you print the report from SRS Report Manager it will drop these blank values. However as a parameter, it does not drop those spaces, so when DRM passes the parameter, the missing spaces means it doesn’t work.

In this case you will need to set a RTrim to clear the spaces at the right end of the field when creating your SRS report.

Select RTrim(SOPNUMBE) AS Expor1
From SOP10100
Where SOPTYPE = ‘3’