Floating Toolbar is not available

I’ve set up a Floating Toolbar Launch Point where the report is setup to always appear on the palette, but the floating toolbar is not available.

If you are on the latest build of Dynamics Report Manager (DRM), go to Tools>>Setup>>Dynamics Report Manager>>Dynamics Report Manager Setup. From the drop-down menu, select Show Floating Toolbar, then click on the Process button.

On older builds of DRM where the above option is not available, we track the coordinates of the window when it opens.  In this case the coordinates may be too high and are off the screen.  This could happen if the screen resolution changes from high-resolution to low.

You will need to check and update the DRM_System_Setting_Key values in the DRM001 table in the Dynamics database.

Steps to update the coordinates of the Toolbar:

1. Run the following script.

NOTE: The ToolbarHorz, ToolbarVert and ToolbarStickPin values are user-specific. These values will need to be updated to reflect the user who is experiencing this issue. To do this, change USERID in each of the SQL statements below to be the User ID of the user you are trying to correct (e.g., ToolbarHorzLESSONUSER1, etc.).


UPDATE DRM001 SET DRM_System_Setting_Value = ‘100’ WHERE DRM_System_Setting_Key = ‘ToolbarHorzUSERID’

UPDATE DRM001 SET DRM_System_Setting_Value = ‘100’ WHERE DRM_System_Setting_Key ‘ToolbarVertUSERID’

UPDATE DRM001 SET DRM_System_Setting_Value = ‘0’ WHERE DRM_System_Setting_Key = ‘ToolbarStickPinUSERID’

2. Back in Great Plains click on “Close All Windows” (Microsoft Dynamics GP | Close All Windows).

3. Check the Toolbar