How to add an image or logo to an email created and sent from Dynamics Report Manager

The steps here describe how to add an image or logo to your email created and sent from Dynamics Report Manager (DRM).

Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. Select the report.
  3. Click the Edit Report button.
  4. In the Report Maintenance window, click the Destination tab, and then verify File is selected for the Destination field.

    Note: In order to email the report, the report destination must be File.

  5. Click Save.
  6. Double click the report.
  7. Click the Print List tab.
  8. Select the report.
  9. Click the Email Options button.
  10. Click the Add Recipient button.
  11. Enter the Display Name.
  12. Enter the E-mail Address.
  13. Click Add.
  14. Click OK.
  15. Enter a Subject.
  16. Click the Email will be formatted as: Text button to change it to Email will be formatted as: HTML.
    Note: The button will appear as a globe when it is in the HTML format.
  17. Enter your Message including the HTML code for the image or logo you want to add. Here are two examples:
    1. This will add the text Rockton Logo: <h2>Rockton Logo</h2>
    2. This will add the actual Rockton Logo: <img src=”” id=”Header1_rocktonlogo” width=”260″ alt=”RocktonLogo”>
    3. Click OK.
    4. Click Print.

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