Refreshing in Crystal Viewer gives incomplete Enter Values screen, error messages.

Refreshing in Crystal Viewer gives incomplete Enter Values screen, error messages. If you received an “Enter Values” box when printing a Crystal Report to screen, usually after pressing the Refresh button, you may receive an “Enter Values” screen with incomplete graphic images for the OK and Cancel button. Additionally, if you try to type into any fields, you may experience error messages, including “debug” messages to solve the problem. You may have to terminate the application to exit or experience several errors while closing.

The reason for this is due to an error in Business Objects’ published merge modules, the components we receive from Business Objects (creator of Crystal Reports) to include in our software that allows them to launch. Earlier versions of their merge modules included this error. We have since updated our installation package with the new merge modules and the problem is now resolved.

To receive the updates to fix this issue on your computer(s), download the latest DRM Launcher for Crystal 11 on our web site. Use the Windows Add/Remove programs to uninstall your current version of the DRM Launcher for Crystal 11, and install this new version. Make sure to install it to the Great Plains installation directory. Repeat on all affected workstations. You will not lose any setup data or report information in your environment by performing these steps.