Scheduled Launch Reports are not Printing after Midnight


You have a report scheduled through a Scheduled Launch to print at 12:30 AM and it is not printing.


The Change Date pop-up window in Microsoft Dynamics GP will stop Dynamics Report Manager (DRM) from printing reports after midnight. DRM will wait to print the report until a user has completed one of the actions on the pop-up window. 


On Microsoft Dynamics GP Version 2010 and higher:

Option 1: You can use the Suppress Date Change Dialog at Midnight setting in DRM.

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Dynamics Report Manager | System Settings.
  2. In the General tab, mark the Suppress Date Change Dialog at Midnight checkbox, mark the Change Date radio button, and then click OK.

Option 2: You can use the Update User Date tool within Professional Services Tools Library. The ProfServicesToolsLibrary.pdf file from Microsoft Dynamics GP 2015 has the following information in it about the Update User Date tool:

The Update User Date utility will automatically update the User Date in Microsoft Dynamics GP to the next date at midnight each day. The application will run in the background as long as Microsoft Dynamics GP is open. To activate this tool, simply mark the second check box next to Update User Date in the Professional Services Tools Library window.


In order for the Update User Date utility to work properly, you will need to have SuppressDateChangeDialog=TRUE in the Dex.ini file to suppress the date dialog that will be displayed if Microsoft Dynamics GP is left open over the midnight hour.

If you have questions on who to contact in regards to downloading Professional Services Tools Library, Microsoft has a KB with more information:

KB Article ID: 848512

Title & Link: Who to contact regarding the Professional Services Tool Library


On Microsoft Dynamics GP Versions 7.5 to 10.0:


Option 1: You can use the Suppress Date Change Dialog at Midnight setting in DRM on Version 10.0.

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Dynamics Report Manager | System Settings.
  2. In the General tab, mark the Suppress Date Change Dialog at Midnight checkbox, mark the Change Date radio button, and then click OK.

Option 2: You can create a macro to complete the process on the pop-up window. 

Option 3: You can turn off the change date pop-up message. If you are using Microsoft Dynamics GP 10.0, 9.0 or Microsoft Great Plains 8.0, add the following line above the “[Install]” section of the Dex.ini file; or if you are using Microsoft Great Plains 7.5, add the following line to the very bottom of the Dex.ini file:


Note: If you turn off the pop-up message, the user date is not updated.  In other words, if you are running a report which is date sensitive, this option 2 may not work for you.