Report in Floating Toolbar Palette is not generated when you select it

When you add a report to appear in the Dynamics Report Manager Floating Toolbar, the report appears on the Floating Toolbar Palette but does not generate when you select it.

This issue has been recently documented as a software bug.

Option 1:
Perform the following steps for each Launch Point with a Type Toolbar Floating Palette and a Toolbar Option of Always appear on Toolbar Palette:

  1. Go to Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. Click Launch Points.
  3. Select the Launch Point you are trying to print and then click the Edit Launch Point button.
  4. Change the Toolbar Option to Only Appear on Palette when specific form is active.
  5. Select Microsoft Dynamics GP in the Product drop down list.
  6. Select Company in the Series drop down list.
  7. Select Company Login in the Form drop down list.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Re-select the Launch Point you are trying to print and then click the Edit Launch Point button.
  10. Change the Toolbar Option to Always appear on Toolbar Palette.
  11. Click Save

Option 2:
Use one of the other Launch Point types to generate the report. 

Option 3:
Generate the report directly from the Dynamics Report Manager Explorer window.