Crystal Reports are Printing Blank or with Data from Another Company

When printing your Crystal report, the data is blank or the data is pulling from another company.


Cause 1:
In the Connection tab of the Crystal report in Dynamics Report Manager, the checkbox for the Switch Data Source to use SQL Company Database option is not marked. (See Resolution 1.)

Cause 2:
In Crystal reports, the Save Data with Report option is marked on the File menu. (See Resolution 2.)

Resolution 1:
You can either update the Connection Settings in the Dynamics Report Manager System Settings window for all Crystal Reports:

  1. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Dynamics Report Manager | System Settings.
  2. Click the Crystal tab.
  3. Select the correct DSN Name.
  4. Mark the Switch Data Source to use SQL Company Database checkbox.
  5. If you need to override report credentials, mark the Override Report Credentials checkbox, and then enter the appropriate Username and Password.

Or, you can update the Connection Settings per Crystal Report:

  1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. Select the report, and then click the Edit Report button.
  3. In the Report Maintenance window, click the Connection tab.
  4. Mark the Override Global Connection checkbox, and then select the correct DSN Name.
  5. Mark the Switch Data Source to use SQL Company Database option.
  6. If you need to override the report credentials, mark the Override Report Credentials checkbox, and then enter the appropriate Username and Password. 

Resolution 2:

  1. Open the Crystal report in Crystal.
  2. Click File, and then click Save Data with Report to unmark the option.
  3. Click File, and then click Save.

Note: If the report in Crystal continues to have the Save Data with Report option marked, try the following and then repeat the first three steps in Resolution 2:

  1. Click File, and then click Options.
  2. Click Reporting.
  3. Unmark the Save Data With Report checkbox.
  4. Click OK.