Error: Unable to export report. System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out.


When running a Scheduled Launch in Dynamics Report Manager (DRM) for an SSRS report that is being emailed as a PDF file, the report either sits in the Scheduled Report Monitor window with a status of Pending or the Report Viewer appears with the following error:

Unable to export report.

System.Net.WebException: The operation has timed out.

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.WebClientProtocol.GetWebResponse(WebRequest request)

at Microsoft.SQLServer.Reporting.Services2005.Execution.RSExecutionConnection.GetWebResponse(WebREquest request)

at Microsoft.Reporting.WinFroms.ServerReportSoapProxy.GetWebResponse(WebREquest request)

at System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.Invoke(String methodName. Object[] parameters)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.Execution.ReportExecutionService.Render(String Format, String DeviceInfo, String& Extension, String& Mime Type, String& Encoding, Warning []& Warnings, String []& StreamIds)

at Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices2005.Execution.ReportExecutionConnection.Render(String Format, String DeviceInfo, String& Extension, String& Mime Type, String& Encoding, Warning []& Warnings, String []& StreamIds)

at Microsoft.Reporting.WinFroms.ServerReport.Render(String Format, String DeviceInfo, String& Extension, String& Mime Type, String& Encoding, Warning []& Warnings, String []& StreamIds)

at RocktonReportEngine.ReportForms.SQLReport.ExportReport()


The Ask Each Time checkbox is marked in the Destination tab of the DRM Report Maintenance window.


  1. Go to Reports | Dynamics Report Manager | Dynamics Report Manager Explorer.
  2. In the Dynamics Report Manager Explorer window, select the DRM report you created for the SSRS report, and then click the Edit Report button.
  3. In the Report Maintenance window, click the Destination tab.
  4. Unmark the Ask Each Time checkbox.
  5. Click Save.