How can I tell Auditor to only record an audit when a field is changed for customers in a specific class?


How can I tell Auditor to only record an audit when a field is changed for customers in a specific class?


Auditor has a feature called Conditional Auditing. You would use this option when you have a condition listed that is true in order for an audit to occur. Specify the comparison field, the operator (equal or not equal) and the string value to compare the field to. If this expression evaluates to true during auditing, an audit will be captured.

Conditional auditing will only work with one class. Use the alternative method for multiple classes.

Steps for One-Class method:

  1. Set up a Table audit and check the boxes in the Audit column for each field (i.e., Customer Name, Statement Name) you want to track.
  2. Check the approriate boxes (i.e., Changes) to track changes, edits and/or deletes under Tracking Options.
  3. For each field, click on the Audit check box to set focus to that field, then click on the two small circles (options button) just above the Note column.
  4. On the Field Options window, check the box to “Use Conditional Auditing” and fill in the fields (i.e., Field:  Customer Class, Operator:  is Equal To, Value:  ClassName) as appropriate. Do this for each field where you want Conditional Auditing to occur.

Steps for Multiple-Class method:

  1. Set up a Table audit and check the boxes in the Audit column AND Ref column for each field (i.e., Customer Name, Statement Name, Customer Class) that you want to track.
  2. Check the approriate boxes (i.e., Changes) to track changes, edits and/or deletes under Tracking Options.
  3. Then filter (Search button) a SmartList object to only show for those classes. It will likely capture more than what you’ll want, but you will be able to see the information.