Orphaned Auditor Triggers


The information here describes how you can ensure all Auditor triggers have been removed from each of your company databases after you uninstall Auditor. 


Here are the steps to verify Auditor triggers have been removed and if they are not removed, how to remove them.

  1. Verify Auditor has been completely uninstalled.
    1. Open SQL Server Management Studio and log into your server.
    2. Expand the server, expand Databases, expand DYNAMICS, expand Tables, and then verify the dbo.RSAS% tables are no longer listed.
    3. Then run the following statement against each company database in a New Query to verify the Auditor Triggers have been removed:
      1. SELECT * FROM sysobjects WHERE name like ‘RSAS%’ AND type = ‘TR’
  2. Since Auditor is uninstalled, it should return no results in Step 1.c.i. However, if you get results from the select statement in Step 1.c.i., you can do the following:
    1. Make a complete restorable backup and have all users exit the system.
    2. Re-install Auditor on just one workstation using these steps: Installing a Rockton Software product: First install or installing the latest build/newest version.
    3. Once it is installed on that workstation, then uninstall it.
      1. Log in as sa or a POWERUSER.
      2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup.
      3. Click the Uninstall tab.
      4. Click Complete Uninstall to do a complete uninstall of Auditor.