Security access set up for the Audit tool to capture changes

How do I confirm the security access is set up correctly for Auditor to capture changes?

In order for Auditor to track the changes it is necessary for the users, in GP 10 and GP 2010, to have the DEFAULTUSER Task assigned to at least one Role they are in. For GP 9 users, there is a list of the security below as well.

For GP 9 users:

Auditor Progress
Auditor Note Maintenance
Auditor Dummy Window
Auditor Explorer Background

For GP 10 and 2010: 

The DEFAULTUSER Task must have the following Operations checked, which are under the Product Auditor, Type Windows, Series System:

Approval Inquiry
Auditor Note Maintenance
Enter Approver Password
E-Sign Approval Needed
E-Sign Approvals
E-Sign Pending Approval Requests

In addition, for GP 10 and 2010 users, the DEFAULTUSER Task under the Product Auditor, Type Windows, Series 3rd Party, will need access to the following Operations.

For GP 10 and 2010:
About Auditor
Register Rockton Products

You can safely remove access from the following Auditor windows and still have auditor track the changes the user makes.

Product – Auditor
Type – Window
Series – System
Windows – Auditor Inquiry and Auditor Groups

Product – Auditor
Type – Window
Series – 3rd party
Windows – Auditor Registration and Auditor Setup


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