Error: "Unable to re-find Trigger XXX"

Unable to re-find Trigger with Tag xxxx

This error can indicate an Audit Group has been set up to track changes to a table or field which no longer exists.


  1. Check your Audit Groups to see if you have a Group setup to audit non-existing tables or fields.
    1. You will want to update your Group to track the correct tables or fields,  or if those tables or fields no longer exist, then remove the Audit Group entirely.
  2. It is also recommended that you run the Reconcile process in the Auditor Setup window.
    1. Choose the ‘Integrity check only’ to see a report of what is incorrect.
    2. Then, you may choose ‘Remove stranded items’ to remove the incorrect items.
  3. We then recommend that you run the Rebuild process.
    1. Go to Auditor Setup Window | Troubleshooting tab | Rebuild| Process.
    2. Check the boxes:
      • Rebuild SQL Tables Master
      • Rebuild SQL Triggers
      • Rebuild SQL Scripts.
    3. Then check the button for Rebuild all Databases From Scratch.


See the “What does the Auditor Rebuild SQL Table Master process do?” FAQ, for additional information.