DYNAMICS database doesn't show up in the SQL Table Audit list of tables.


After installing Auditor the DYNAMICS database is not showing in the list of tables when attempting to add a new SQL Table Audit.

Note: Be sure you have full backups prior to going through any troubleshooting steps.  It is also great practice to export all Audit Groups so you have backups of those as well.

  1. Log into Microsoft Dynamics GP as ‘sa’.
  2. Go to Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup.
  3. Click on the Troubleshooting tab.
  4. Then, click on ‘Rebuild’.
  5. The Auditor Rebuild window will open (like the screenshot below) where you will mark the following:
    1. Rebuild SQL Tables Master
    2. Rebuild SQL Triggers
    3. Rebuild SQL Scripts
    4. Rebuild Tables and Forms Master
    5. Rebuild Resources
  6. Then, mark the radio button for ‘Rebuild All Databases From Scratch’.

  8. Click ‘Process’.
  9. You may need to log out of Dynamics GP and log back in.

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