Deleting/Removing an Audit from an Audit Group


The following steps will go through deleting/removing an Audit from an Audit Group that may no longer be needed.


  1. Create a fresh, full backup. See Notes #2 for creating a backup of the Audit Group.
  2. Log into Dynamics GP as ‘sa’, a POWERUSER, or a Auditor Administrator.
  3. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Audit Groups.
  4. Pull up the Audit Group in question using the Group ID magnifying glass.
  5. Click and highlight the Audit that you are wanting to remove from the Audit Group.
  6. Then, click the [X] button, like below, to delete the specific Audit.


  1. You can also get to the Auditor Group Maintenance window by clicking the Audit Groups icon.
  2. Creating a backup of an Audit Group:

  • Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Audit Groups
  • Pull up the Audit Group in question using the Group ID magnifying glass.
  • Next, click Actions and then click Export.

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