Error: An error occurred with the pass-through SQL connection. Action: RSA_UpdateSQLTableColumnMSTR_1207 (1)


When you install one of the following builds for Auditor, you receive the error message(s) below.


  • Auditor GP2015 or GP 2015 R2 Build 4
  • Auditor GP 2013 R2 Build 1008
  • Auditor GP 2013 Build 7


  • An error occurred with the pass-through SQL connection. Action: RSA_UpdateSQLTableColumnMSTR_1207 (1)
  • ODBC support codes: 58 1038 37000
  • An error occurred with the pass-through SQL connection. Action: RSA_UpdateSQLTableColumnMSTR_1207 (2)
  • ODBC support codes: 58 1038 37000 


The errors are caused by a bug. If you are experiencing, please let support ( know so they can add your information to the bug.


Resolution 1:

  1. Have everyone log out of the system and make a complete restorable backup.
  2. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup.
  3. In the Auditor Setup window, click on the Troubleshooting tab. 
  4. Click Rebuild.
  5. In the Auditor Rebuild window, mark the following:
    • Rebuild SQL Tables Master
    • Rebuild SQL Triggers
    • Rebuild SQL Scripts
    • Rebuild Tables and Forms Master
    • Rebuild Resources
    • Rebuild All Databases From Scratch
  6. Click Process.
  7. Click OK, and then close the Auditor Rebuild window.
  8. In the Auditor Setup window, click the Setup tab.
  9. Click Reconcile.
  10. Mark Integrity check only to verify what will occur during the Reconcile process, and then click Process.
  11. Click OK or view the Report if there are any errors, and then close the Report if one is printed.
  12. In the Auditor Reconcile window, mark Remove stranded items, and then click Process.
  13. Click OK or view the Report if there are any errors, and then close the Report if one is printed.
  14. Close the Auditor Reconcile window.


Resolution 2: 

If the Resolution 1 does not work, click OK to get through the error messages.



  • The errors are not causing any data damage and will appear when you go through the install of the new build for the first time.
  • We have identified the additional records in the RSAS027 and these additional records were valid records for a Database ID(s) in the RSAS030 at one time but is no longer valid.
    • If you look at the records in the RSAS030 table using SQL Server Management Studio (New Query), note the RSA_SQL_Database_ID column values.
      • Select * from DYNAMICS..RSAS030
    • Then look at the records in the RSAS027 table. The first 5 digits in the RSA_SQL_DatabaseTable_ID correspond to the Database ID in the RSAS030 table. For example, if the Database ID is 8 in the RSAS030 table, then it will appear as 00008 in the RSAS027 table.
      • Select * from DYNAMICS..RSAS027 order by RSA_SQL_DatabaseTable_ID