Why Shouldn’t You Use Excel Spreadsheets to Manage Pricing?

Why Shouldn’t You Use Excel Spreadsheets to Manage Pricing?

Who here uses Excel spreadsheets for managing your pricing? Does this sound like you – copying, pasting, and updating a new file every time? Then, listen up — not only is there a better way, but using Excel spreadsheets for pricing management could be hurting...
Should You Use a Commission Tracking Software?

Should You Use a Commission Tracking Software?

Michael sold a red corvette to Prince. Working at a dealership who pays their employees based on sales, Michael receives a certain commission for the red corvette he sold. This commission must go through several channels for a check to land in Michael’s hands. This is...
What to Look for in a Custom Software Development Company

What to Look for in a Custom Software Development Company

In some instances, out-of-the-box software just cannot do what your organization requires. That’s where custom software development can help, providing you with a solution that is precisely tailored to your needs. Rockton Software’s team of experienced developers can...