Rockton Spotlight: Sue

Rockton Spotlight: Sue

Any business will tell you that the most important asset it has is its people. That’s what makes Rockton Rock! We work hard, we play hard and most of all we love what we do and we do it exceptionally well. We invite you to take a couple of minutes to get to know our...

A Rocking Review from Okaya Electric America

 Joseph C. Markovich has been IT manager at Okaya Electric America for 18 years and has been a Rockton super fan for many, many, many years. In this video, Markovich shares how SmartFill, Dynamics Report Manager, and Auditor has helped him work simpler and easier®...
Supply Chain Strategy: How to Optimize Your Network

Supply Chain Strategy: How to Optimize Your Network

Does your business turn raw materials into finished goods? Are you in the manufacturing, retail, construction, wholesale, or distribution industries? Then you are most likely dealing with a supply chain. This became a buzzword in 2020, when the global pandemic caused...
How to Change Wholesale Prices During Inflation

How to Change Wholesale Prices During Inflation

Did you know that the cost of living is the highest it has been in 40 years? Thank you, inflation! The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS for short) reported the producer price index to have increased 0.4% in September from August, and it doesn’t look like it’s...

The Birds, the Bees, and Product Pricing

What do the Birds, the bees, and pricing all have in common? People tend to run in the opposite direction when it comes time to talk about them. Unpleasant? Awkward? Perhaps. But very necessary and beneficial in most instances. Today we’re going to leave the birds and...