Rockton Spotlight: Kris

Rockton Spotlight: Kris

Any business will tell you that the most important asset it has is its team members. That’s what makes Rockton Rock! We work hard, we play hard and most of all we love what we do and we do it exceptionally well. We invite you to take a couple of minutes to get to know...
Why We Took on the Pricing and Revenue Management Challenge

Why We Took on the Pricing and Revenue Management Challenge

Many things have changed over the years. The cell phone has evolved from a singular calling device to a do pretty much everything but walk your dog device. Coffee has gone from the coffee pot to the elaborate coffee run – non-fat, extra whip, light ice, mocha...
Supercharge Your Pricing & Shipping in Dynamics GP and Acumatica

Supercharge Your Pricing & Shipping in Dynamics GP and Acumatica

Raise your hand if you are in manual mode when it comes to making price adjustments or getting shipments out the door?  Get the right price for the right customer with Rockton Pricing Management (RPM) and get your items out the door quickly and accurately with...