4 Reasons Auditing is Not Just For Fraud Prevention

4 Reasons Auditing is Not Just For Fraud Prevention

When you think about auditing Microsoft Dynamics GP, do you picture FBI-style interrogators searching the audit logs to point out all ill-intended crooks who are stealing money from your company?  In our experience, fraud prevention and detection might be a good...

You Never Have to Worry About Dynamic Pricing Again

Welcome to our price strategies video series. We are taking you on a virtual journey. You will learn ways to save money, time, and headaches when it comes to managing your pricing strategies. Our first video was all about rebates, now we are going to walk through our...

ISV Virtual Round Up Recap

  9 Hours, 9 ISVs, for all GP Users I get it, there are a lot of virtual user groups, events, and webinars lately. With everyone going virtual, everything going virtual, this is pretty much the new norm now. Our historic mindset around these events is that we...

Rockton Software Travel Announcement

  COVID-19 Update To our software community, We live in a much different world today than we did two months ago, with our professional and personal lives being disrupted in numerous ways, both large and small. At times it feels that some parts of our lives are...

Learn The Ways You Can Streamline Your Rebate Process

  Welcome to our price strategies video series. In this series, we are going to take you on a virtual journey and show you the ways to save money, time, and headaches when it comes to managing your pricing strategies. So, let’s get started! Wouldn’t you love to...