Rockton Software – One Size Fits All | June 2019

It is important to get solutions that meet the needs of your industry. Manufacturers and distributors focus on the supply chain, retail and e-commerce focus on their needs around selling and shipping, non-profits need to be efficient about their operations and budget....

Take Efficiency into Overdrive with New Omni Price Contract Override

Overriding a Contract ID in Sales Order Processing With the latest versions of Omni Price on Dynamics GP 2013 R2, 2015, 2015 R2, 2016, and 2016 R2, you have the ability to override a Contract ID on the line item in Sales Order Processing. Sales Transaction Entry Here...

Lions and Cheetahs, Blue Hair – Oh MY!

All these things and more were part of my experience in Johannesburg, South Africa last month. More on my blue hair in a minute. The purpose of this great trip was to present at the Reignite GP conference – a first annual event put on by Braintree. Braintree is the...

Create System Harmony with Segregation of Duties in Dynamics GP

We’ve been tossing around the topic of segregation of duties within our team recently and one team member proposed a fun analogy. What if we explained segregation of duties within GP as if it were The Hunger Games! We’re not suggesting you throw all your GP users into...

Happy Fabrikam Day!

I can’t believe it is here. I feel like I have been waiting for it forever. It’s been 10 years in the making, but finally, it’s here: Fabrikam Day! I remember working at Microsoft and seeing this date in the sample company and thinking, wow, that day...