If you know the Rockton Software team at all, you know we like to have fun at events. And Acumatica Summit 2019 was an amazing time! In true Rockton style, we thought why not make it a party? There’s nothing we love more than the chance to visit with old and new...
Have you ever had to work over a weekend? Or work a few late evenings on an upgrade or an issue when other users are not in the system? This means you don’t always have access to our support team. Have no fear, other options are here! Our website is a great place to...
The Winter 2019 GP Optimizer magazine is available now and we’re excited to share the solutions that Rockton Software and many of our partners can provide. As with our Summer 2018 edition, we decided to group the articles around one cohesive theme. With many holidays...
What Does DRM Have That GP Doesn’t? By Rhonda Sutliff While GP offers many reports, there are limitations to where and how you can print them, and they need to be the GP created reports. Dynamics Report Manager (DRM) offers you flexibility that GP doesn’t. With DRM...
The definition of volunteer (verb | vol·un·teer) is to freely offer to do something, and while the 16 employees of Rockton Software take that definition to heart and join in volunteer activities this time of year, their involvement lasts throughout the entire year....