We are welcoming back to Rockton Musings! What better way to get them rolling again than starting out with Gratitude. This time of the year always makes me pause to think a little more about what I’m thankful for. This year, I’m thankful for the gratitude practices,...
Another GPUG Summit has come and gone, and we have (mostly) recovered from the chaos and late nights. We have moved on to working through trying to implement some of the exciting suggestions from our customers! As the newest member of the Rockton Software team...
Oh how we all love summer: the warm weather, the busy social calendar, and the lazy days spent relaxing by the pool. And this year, we’re giving you even more to love with our Suite Summertime Savings bundle promotion. We’re offering our lowest prices of the year...
As you’re reading this, you may have detected a different look and feel? We’re glad you noticed! Welcome to a brand new dev.rocktonsoftware.com! Just as the packages on grocery store shelves contain the same delicious cookies when they get a new look, our website...
Last week the entire Rockton Software team packed their bags and retreated to find sunshine south of the border in Cancun, Mexico. And boy did we find the sunshine! We know what you’re thinking…that doesn’t sound like much of a work trip. I can assure you, in true...