In 2015, Rockton introduced our annual 1% pledge, a commitment that ties our business success with giving back to our communities. The 1% pledge includes donating 1% of our team’s time, 1% of our company’s profits, and 1% of our product to selected causes. We’re happy...
A New Year and a new version of Microsoft Dynamics GP…What better time for a FREE product from Rockton!? Would you like a little help with your next upgrade, new workstation or even product install? Rockton’s Version Pro will do just that. Version Pro allows...
We knew we were in for a wild ride at GPUG Summit 2017 and our week in Nashville did not disappoint! As we work to catch our breath from the whirlwind, I always enjoy reflecting on the highlights and lasting impressions from the conference. I left the Gaylord...
GPUG Summit 2017 is right around the corner and we couldn’t be more excited! For the 11th consecutive year, we are proud to be Premier Sponsors of GPUG Summit, the go-to conference for peer-to-peer learning and fun. Our team can’t recall a Summit conference with this...
Well here we go, August 21, 2017 has arrived! I’m writing this blog during the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse from my living room near Denver, Colorado. I’ve got NASA TV on my television, my blinds all fully open, the sun streaming through my windows… for now. I’m not in...