
Supply Chain Strategy: How to Optimize Your Network

Supply Chain Strategy: How to Optimize Your Network

Does your business turn raw materials into finished goods? Are you in the manufacturing, retail, construction, wholesale, or distribution industries? Then you are most likely dealing with a supply chain. This became a buzzword in 2020, when the global pandemic caused...

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How to Change Wholesale Prices During Inflation

How to Change Wholesale Prices During Inflation

Did you know that the cost of living is the highest it has been in 40 years? Thank you, inflation! The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS for short) reported the producer price index to have increased 0.4% in September from August, and it doesn’t look like it’s...

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Top 10 Invoicing Best Practices

Top 10 Invoicing Best Practices

Sending invoices to your customers should be a simple process. Just send it and it’s paid, right? Unfortunately, it’s rarely that simple, and in fact, the invoicing process can be a bit strenuous at times. Streamlining your invoicing process in Dynamics GP with...

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The Birds, the Bees, and Product Pricing

What do the Birds, the bees, and pricing all have in common? People tend to run in the opposite direction when it comes time to talk about them. Unpleasant? Awkward? Perhaps. But very necessary and beneficial in most instances. Today we’re going to leave the birds and...

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What You Can and Can’t Do with Dynamics GP Reporting

Dynamics GP offers many reporting tools, such as SmartList, Excel Reports, Crystal Reports, SSRS, and Management Reporter, but there are limitations to where and how you can print them. One common limitation is you need to be in GP to run reports. If you are working...

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How to Easily Set Up Segregation of Duties in Dynamics GP

What is segregation of duties? A quick definition for those of you who don't know -- segregation of duties is the principle that no single person is given authority to execute two conflicting duties. It is designed to prevent fraud and error by splitting the...

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Dynamics GP Community Summit 2022 Recap and Promotion

Dynamics GP Community Summit 2022 Recap and Promotion

The Dynamics GP Community never disappoints, neither did this year’s 2022 Community Summit.  It offered us a chance to reconnect, in human form, for the first time in what felt like a really long time! It was great to see the attendance numbers increase dramatically...

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Rockton Spotlight: Sheila

Rockton Spotlight: Sheila

Any business will tell you that the most important asset it has is its team members. That’s what makes Rockton Rock! We work hard, we play hard and most of all we love what we do and we do it exceptionally well. We invite you to take a couple of minutes to get to know...

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The Ins and Outs of an ERP System Integration

The Ins and Outs of an ERP System Integration

Are you spending hours manually entering data? Do you flip through a dozen different platforms constantly? Are you having trouble finding what you're looking for? If this sounds like you, an ERP system integration may be the solution for you. Don’t worry though, we'll...

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The Best Retail Pricing Software to Handle Holiday Sales

The Best Retail Pricing Software to Handle Holiday Sales

Christmas is the biggest holiday in terms of spending, which explains why retailers rely on the fourth quarter to drive their profits. According to Consumer Decisions, Americans spent over $707 billion in retail sales between November 1st and December 31st in 2021....

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