Updating multiple currencies daily in Dynamics GP is an inconvenient task. It requires searching for the newest exchange rates and manually updating Dynamics GP. But what if there was a way to automatically update them quickly and easily? Luckily, there's a tool for...
Save Time in Microsoft Dynamics GP with Dynamics Report Manager (DRM)
Dynamics GP is an excellent ERP and offers many reports, however there are limitations to where and how they can be printed. That's why we've created a more robust solution - Dynamics Report Manager (DRM) for fast and easy reporting. Any report, any time, any...
Data Tracking in Microsoft Dynamics GP is Not Limited to Just Fraud Protection
Have you noticed changes being made but you're scratching your head as to how? Before you call on your hounds to sniff out who done it, let us show you what Auditor can do. Auditor was designed for data tracking in Microsoft Dynamics GP. That means when someone adds,...
Everything You Need to Know about What Dynamic Pricing is, Its Quirks, and Our Solution.
Have you heard the term dynamic pricing being thrown about? Not sure what it means? Or maybe you've implemented this strategy, but you're losing money and customers? Fear not, that's why we're here. Dive into what it is, the benefits, the kinks, and a solution to help...
Rockton Spotlight: Jim
Any business will tell you that the most important asset it has is its team members. That’s what makes Rockton Rock! We work hard, we play hard and most of all we love what we do and we do it exceptionally well. We invite you to take a couple of minutes to get to know...
How to Efficiently Manage Price and Revenue in a Food Distribution Supply Chain
The main aim of pricing and revenue management in a food distribution supply chain is to create a balance between supply and demand, while simultaneously optimizing profits. Traditionally, businesses would tweak the availability of their assets. However, in this day...
Can Rockton Pricing Management Save You Time When It Comes to Time-Based Pricing?
The short answer is yes, using automation. Whether you only adjust your prices during the holidays or you've got your fingers on the pulse and make continuous changes, Rockton Pricing Management can help you stay ahead of your competition and optimize profits. After...
4 Cyber Security Solutions in Rockton’s Dynamics GP Toolbox
Did you know there was a 667% increase in Coronavirus phishing attempts? Though working from home has its pluses -- a few extra "Z"s in the morning, no commute, no traffic, and living in comfy clothes (even if it is only from the waist down) -- viruses, zoombombings,...