The Newest Rockton Software Location is Fargo, North Dakota

Fargo, North Dakota is home to blinding blizzards, bizarre movies with bad accents and wood chippers, a Microsoft campus and now, Rockton Software's newest office location! Why was Fargo selected as the 3rd physical location of Rockton Software? Well . . . not just...

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Keep your Website Current with a Content Management System

It is an all-too-familiar complaint in this information age. You visit a website and all it has is static, outdated content. You begin to wonder why? Does the company just not care about their image? Is the company stagnant and there really is no new content? Is it...

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Convergence 2014 Recap

Last week, the ATL welcomed Microsoft Convergence goers from across the globe, and Rockton Software was among the ISV vendors present. Our brightly colored booth seemed to light up the Expo Hall, if you were there you probably saw us! We have been told that attendance...

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