How to Easily Set Up Segregation of Duties in Dynamics GP

What is segregation of duties? A quick definition for those of you who don't know -- segregation of duties is the principle that no single person is given authority to execute two conflicting duties. It is designed to prevent fraud and error by splitting the...

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Information Security in Dynamics GP

Setting up and maintaining security in Microsoft Dynamics GP is the responsibility of the GP Administrator. If you want to ensure information security, this isn’t something that should be placed on the back burner. Each of your employees can be assigned a user role in...

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Score a Slam Dunk With Rockton Software

Score a Slam Dunk With Rockton Software

Guest Post: Written By Tom Weaver, Financial Systems Manager at Excelsior College For those of you who might need a visual, let me paint a picture. I'm a proud Microsoft Dynamics GP user, but sometimes I run into some limitations, or for the sake of this analogy, an...

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Sweet Suite Summertime!

Oh how we all love summer: the warm weather, the busy social calendar, and the lazy days spent relaxing by the pool. And this year, we’re giving you even more to love with our Suite Summertime Savings bundle promotion. We’re offering our lowest prices of the year...

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Dynamics GP Tech Conference 2017 Rundown

Bob McAdam and Dynamic Communities have done a fine job carrying the GP Tech Conference torch forward this year in Fargo, ND. The sessions were about what I expected and I came away with a few choice tidbits. This year’s event was organized pretty much the same as...

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The Total Solar Eclipse: a reminder that science is cool

Well here we go, August 21, 2017 has arrived! I’m writing this blog during the 2017 Total Solar Eclipse from my living room near Denver, Colorado. I’ve got NASA TV on my television, my blinds all fully open, the sun streaming through my windows… for now. I’m not in...

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Are you "First Day of School" Prepared?

Ring! Ring! The school bells are ringing.   For many of us, our first days of school are long gone, but that doesn’t mean the buzz is any less invigorating.   My favorite part of a new school year wasn’t the new clothes, but rather the school supplies shopping trip....

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