Here at Rockton we like to celebrate all things, big and small, that bring joy to our lives. We thought it would be fun to share our December celebrations with you and hopefully spread the joy around! Here are a few things the Rockton family celebrated this month.
I’m celebrating another teenager under my roof. When my kids turn two, I started letting them plan one mommy and me day a year where they plan it, I pay for it and show up and participate in what they would like to do. Over the years I’ve done everything from getting my nails done, visiting farms, riding horses, shooting guns and so much more. I highly recommend it to any parent. When they turn 13, they get to plan a trip with just mom. This year, my baby turned 13 and she decided, since her siblings have been to Disney more than she has, that we were going to Disney. We spent three days from sun up to sun down visiting the Magic Kingdom, Hollywood Studios and Animal Kingdom. We had an amazing time, made a ton of memories and are looking forward to many more adventures.
I would like to celebrate December and getting to watch the same movies I watch every year. Including, but not limited to, Home Alone 1 and 2, Christmas Vacation, The Santa Klaus 1 and 2, Klaus, Christmas Chronicles 1 and 2, A Christmas Prince 1,2 and 3, Elf, and of course the greatest Christmas movie, Jingle All the Way.
Really I just like to celebrate the time of year to try and be with family and just be thinking of them, and maybe a little magic.
And this year, though I typically don’t do one, I am celebrating doing a new years resolution, which is naturally to learn all the lyrics to Young MC’s magnus opus, Bust A Move
Sharing a mom-brag here. Our 17 year old daughter just completed her first full load semester of college earning a 4.0. She was just notified that she received the highest academic honor and was placed on the President’s list. I feel so proud of her drive and determination!
I’m celebrating that my niece and nephew are able to visit us this week during their winter break.
I’m celebrating Thrifty Christmas! This year I gave myself an extra challenge of shopping only at the thrift store for gifts. From a time perspective, it definitely is more expensive than normal shopping, but its much more rewarding to know you’re not contributing (as much) to the mass consumerism that takes place during this time of year. Reduce reuse recycle!

This month we are celebrating the work anniversaries of 1 amazing team member!

Kris is celebrating 12 years with Rockton!
“Kris simply ROCKS! She is always willing to take time to explain things and has helped me learn so much about our products and processes. She is more than willing to dive in and help wherever needed and help answer questions for anyone that needs assistance. She really surprised me with how great she is at playing charades and I love it!! Overall, Kris is dedicated to any task she is assigned to, she tends to go above and beyond with being a great support to those who need her assistance, and I always look forward to seeing and spending time with her when we have the ability to be together as a team!!”
“There are so many things to appreciate about Kris! She is so organized and thorough in her testing, making our releases nearly bulletproof. I also appreciate her great attitude, her willingness as a team player to take on tasks to help out, and her breadth of experience with our products and with GP.”