I am celebrating the near-record snowfall in the Rockies to start the ski season!
I learned to ski late in life, and am content to stay on the green slopes. But it is a lot of fun, and December marks the season to get out and ski!

I’m always grateful for those cool, clear nights when we get to enjoy the beauty of the Northern Lights in the sky. It’s so amazing to see!
2024 was a year full of ups and downs, but I’ve also found strength and appreciation in the midst of it all. Living in Colorado and spending quality time with my friends and family was such a grounding and fulfilling part of my year. It’s also heartwarming that my team at Rockton was there to support me when I needed them most. Gratefulness truly transforms challenging times into meaningful growth. I’m wishing everyone peace and gratitude in the upcoming year!
This crazy Rockton couple is celebrating their 35th wedding anniversary this December!

December is a month filled with “busy” – celebrations, gatherings, and holiday festivities. And while all of that is undoubtedly special, it’s the smaller, everyday moments that make this time of year magical for me. December doesn’t require grand gestures; it’s about being grateful and cherising the little things that often go unnoticed:
The first snowfall in the winter.
Holiday decorations.
A hot cup of coffee on a cold morning.
Acts of kindness and community.
A loving and supportive spouse.
The company of friendship of family.
A friend calling to check in.
Watching holiday movies on the couch.
Working from home.
Getting through the hard seasons this past year.
Our attitude is one of the few things this Christmas that’s ours to control. For many of us, the past year has had its fill of messy and hard. Here’s to practicing gratitude and clinging to thankfulness. It’s through practicing gratitude that joy is born! Let that joy radiate through the hard and messy. Happy holidays to you and yours!

I am one of those people that love this time of year. Once Thanksgiving dinner is in my tummy, it’s time to turn on the lights and let Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey come out of wherever they were hiding. I love the movies – sweet, magical, or cheesy, they’re all great. I love the cold and quiet surrender of a snowy winter night. I love finding a good gift for the holidays, and time to reflect on how fast the year went. I love egg nog. And, of course, I love getting to spend time with my friends and family, and celebrate all of those things.
Happy holidays, everyone!
2024 has been a year of transition for the Rockton team. We started the year with a smaller team – it was both hard to say goodbye to good people and hard to have the extra workload hit our remaining team members. I feel very fortunate that the team pulled together with a “Can Do” attitude, and we hit our goals in stride. We moved from 3-week development sprint cycles to 2 weeks, and we innovated on our new product Rockton Pricing Management more than ever before. And we did it all while continuing to make customer service Job #1!
Personally, it was also a year of transition as Mark and I became full-time empty nesters. Even after 33 years together, we continue to learn and grow in meaningful ways. I feel very lucky to have a partner as remarkable as Mark.
With all of our growth in 2024, I expect 2025 to offer new opportunities and great successes. I hope that is true for you and yours, too!