Refreshing in Crystal Viewer gives incomplete Enter Values screen, error messages. If you received an "Enter Values" box when printing a Crystal Report to screen, usually after pressing the Refresh button, you may receive an "Enter Values" screen...
Knowledge Base
Print button created with Modifier or VBA
How do I set up a Launch Point to trigger a print button created with Modifier or VBA? The DRM Launch Point must be tied to a "standard" for the core GP product. If a button has been created in Modifier or VBA, the Launch Point will not...
Print multiple reports from the same print button on SOP Entry
How do I get Report X to launch under some circumstances, and Report Y to launch under other circumstances, but each of these reports from the same button? In SOP Entry, there is a Document Type field, which can be a Quote, Order, Invoice, etc. ...
Print picking tickets and packing slips to different printers based on site location
Can DRM print picking tickets and packing slips based on the site of the line items? In other words, for one site it prints to one printer and for another site, it prints to a different printer. Yes. You would need to create two mass report data...
PDF file attachment appears as Winmail.dat or is missing
When I email a PDF, the file attachment appears incorrectly as Winmail.dat instead of in PDF format, or it is missing. How do I fix this? The Microsoft Exchange Server settings may cause the attachment to be sent in RTF format. Client e-mail...
PDF file is not getting created when destination is changed to PDF
Why can a User view reports output to Crystal Viewer fine, but no file is created when destination is changed to PDF? Check the output folder to ensure it is not set to a location that is getting blocked. This is likely, if you are using the new...
Pick List is not showing
My report pick list flashes on the screen then suddenly disappears. How do I get it to appear again? The Pick List is likely showing in the Task bar, but is unable to appear because another window is blocking it or it has been moved off the screen...
Out of memory error
How do I stop receiving an "Out of Memory" error message when printing reports on a citrix server with GP installed? This error is typically caused by permission or DSN connection issues. Recommendations: Check the settings on the server where the...
Outlook 2003 and older versions may receive warning message to allow or deny
When sending a report in an email message from DRM using Outlook 2003, why am I receiving an Outlook warning message asking me to Allow or Deny? The warning message reads: 'A program is trying to access e-mail addresses you have stored in Outlook....
Parameters aren't getting passed
I have a crystal report with a sub report. It runs beautifully in Dynamics until I try to add it to a launch point. Is there something special I need to do with sub reports? If it runs in DRM just fine, then adding to a launch point should do...