Knowledge Base

Price Calculations are not Calculating as Expected

Issue When entering a transaction or executing a Pricing Test Scenario, the Price Calculations do not calculate as expected in Rockton Pricing Management (RPM). Resolution Check the following on the Price Calculation to determine if it is affecting...

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Cancel an RPM Rebate Batch in Acumatica

Subject The steps here explain how to cancel a rebate batch that was processed using Rockton Pricing Management (RPM) and Acumatica. Resolution The Process Rebate function allows you to generate Rebate Batches for processing rebates to Customers or...

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How to Process RPM Rebates in Acumatica

Subject The steps here explain how to use the Process Rebates function within Rockton Pricing Management (RPM) and Acumatica. Resolution Rebates are a great incentive program, but they come with manual processes. The Rebate Management (Process...

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