Knowledge Base

Launch Point setup example – Shortcut Bar

Launch Point setup example - Shortcut Bar Explanation: Reports can be launched from the regular shortcut bar using the Shortcut Bar Launch Point option. Setup Steps: 1. Log into Great Plains as a user who is set up as a DRM Report Administrator 2....

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Items are getting "stuck" in the queue

How do we get items processed that are 'stuck' in the queue? An option was added to the latest build of DRM that will free up the Email Queue if some process has failed and left items 'stuck' in the queue. So, you can upgrade to the latest build....

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Invalid Report Definition: Complex Parameter

When I try to create parameters that allow multiple values, I get an "Invalid Report Definition: Complex Parameter" error message. How do I resolve this error message? In DRM build 11 we increased the number of Crystal multi-range parameter values....

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Integrated security (Trusted Connection)

Does DRM work with integrated security (Trusted Connection)? Because we capture the direct-SQL login credentials of the user logged into GP, GP does not support trusted connections so DRM does not either. Trusted Connections can work if the report...

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Invalid parameter value error

'Error in File...Invalid parameter value: exceeds the Min or Max or conflicts with existing value or edit mask' All Lookups in DRM are in uppercase text. Check your report parameter to ensure it is also in uppercase text. For example, if your...

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