Knowledge Base

Display Omni Price Pricing Information on a Website

Subject: Explains how you may display pricing from Omni Price on a website. More Information: In order to display pricing you may use SQL APIs that will allow you to develop a way to display the pricing. You may download the SQL APIs from the...

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Pricing Mode Codes

What are the codes associated with the Pricing Modes? The codes are as follows: 1 -  Fixed Price 2 -  Fixed Adjustment 3 -  % of Standard Cost 4 -  % of Current Cost 5 -  % of List Price 6 -  % of Calculated Price 7 -  % Markup - Current Cost 8 - ...

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Omni Price Reports

What types of reports can Omni Price provide? There are several reports that Omni Price can produce and several criteria’s that can be set. The following are the various reports available. Anything other than what these reports produce will require...

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Only allow items with Special Pricing to be sold option

Why do I get a “Sales are not allowed in this unit of measure” error? This message means you have checked the option to only be allowed to sell items which have a valid Omni Price contract. Once this option is selected, any item which does not get...

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