Knowledge Base

Where is the Security Auditor registration window?

I am trying to input new registration keys for Security Auditor within Dynamics GP. Where do I find the registration window? The Security Auditor Registration window is accessible in one of these ways, depending upon what you opted when you first...

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Not privileged to run this report

When a User tries to run a User Segregation of Duties Conflicts Report, they are getting a "Not privileged to run this report." error message. How can they gain access to run this report? A User needs access to the report through normal GP...

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Reconcile Exception Report in Security Auditor

When I run the reconcile process in Security Auditor why does a report generate showing Product and Security Task IDs? The report is to inform you that Security Auditor has found security tasks that exist for products that no longer are installed...

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Reporting tools available in Security Auditor

What reporting tools are available in Security Auditor? Pressing the Print Button gives a print dialog with output options, and a choice of three reports: Security Settings (current view): A quick listing of what you have selected in the Security...

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