Knowledge Base

How long does it take to setup Security Auditor?

How long does it take to setup Security Auditor? The setup time is going to depend on how well the administrator setting up the security is familiar with Dynamics GP and what the security settings your organization needs setup. The actual setup may...

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Are there setup templates for Segregation of Duties?

Do you have recommendations for Segregation of Duties? The Segregation of Duty (SOD) entries are unique to each company's specific needs, so we do not provide templates for SOD setup. We do include a setup example and more detailed setup...

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Languages supported in SmartFill

Subject: Describes whether Smartfill will works with other languages. Information: Yes. SmartFill will work with other country codes such as Spanish because the stored data it is pulling would be in Spanish. However, SmartFill window labels would...

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Using SmartFill with an Extender Window

Subject:   The information here describes what happens when you use SmartFill with an Extender window. Information: Extender is a set of generic windows and fields.  For example: You can use Extender to create two objects with forms, such as...

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