Knowledge Base

Restrict User Access

Can Conditional Field Level Security (CFLS) be used to restrict user access to a limited number of items (i.e., Production Manager can only see / create assembly entry of the item he/she is producing, not of all items)? CFLS can do what you...

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Importing user passwords after upgrade

I'm getting ready to upgrade to GP 10 and need to change passwords for all 225 GP users. Is there an easy way to do this, like imort them from a spreadsheet? Unfortunately, there is no password mass change or mass import functionality....

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Inactive User IDs stuck in the Activity table

Why are User IDs not getting removed from the Activity table immediately following the time-out period? The “clear stranded activity” process activates in two hours after the timeout period expires, so there is a 2-hour delay. Recommendations:...

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Import a new item to an existing contract

How do I add a new item to an existing contract? The simplest way would be to add the item using the GP Item Maintenance window. Then opening the contract you want to add the item to, and add it. An alternative way is to add the item using the GP...

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