Knowledge Base

SQL table does not exist in all companies

Subject: Explains how to set Audit Group Access when the SQL Table does not exist in all companies. Information: If you have a SQL Table you want to audit but the table does not exist in all of your companies, you will need to mark access for only...

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How long does it take to setup Auditor?

How long does it take to setup Auditor? The setup time is going to depend on how well the user completing the setup is familiar with the Great Plains windows/tables.  The actual setup of an Audit only takes minutes.  The majority of the time will...

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How do I audit Auditor's tracking setup?

Issue: How do I audit Auditor's tracking setup? Resolution: Excluding the RSAS015 and RSAS031 tables since those contain actual audit results, you could audit these: RSAS001 RSAS002 RSAS003 RSAS010 RSAS011 RSAS016 - RSAS028 RSAS041 E-Sign: RSAS032...

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Examples of frequent Audits Setup in Auditor

Issue: Do you have examples of the most frequent Audits that users setup? Resolution: Here is a list of common things we see our customers setting up Groups to audit: 1. Vendor Check Name 2. PO Price 3. SOP Sales Price 4. Customer Statement Name 5....

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