Knowledge Base

Disable Auditor for Testing Purposes

Subject Describes steps to disable Auditor for testing purposes. Resolutions Resolution 1 Disable Auditor in GP. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Customize | Customization Status. Highlight Auditor in the list. Click Disable. Close out of GP...

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Track Password Changes in Auditor

Subject: Describes how Auditor will track changes to passwords in GP. Information: In order to track changes to user password, a table audit may be set up for the Users Master table (SY01400). Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor |...

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How to Audit Password Entry for Batch Approvals

Subject: Provides steps on how to set up an audit to capture password entry for the Batch Approvals window. Resolution: The "Please Enter Password" dialog box cannot be audited because it is not an actual window. You may create a Forms audit to...

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How to Track User Access with Auditor

Subject: Explains how to track User Access to companies using Auditor. Resolutions: Resolution 1: Set the Security Audit Option in System Settings. Go to Microsoft Dynamics GP | Tools | Setup | Auditor | Auditor Setup | System Settings. Click...

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Cannot Refind Table

Error: When running the Auditor Install/Upgrade process after upgrading Great Plains you receive the following error; Cannot refind table. Contact support An error occurred with the pass-through SQL connection while dropping a trigger Cause: This...

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Accessing the Audit Log Information

Subject: Describes where the information for the Audit Log is stored. More Information: The Audit Log information is stored in the RSAS015 table. You may archive the Audit Log information to an XML file by using the Auditor Table Archive/Purge...

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Using Auditor to Track Automated Processes

Subject: Provides information on using Auditor to track automated processes. More Information: A Form Audit requires a user to physically make a change in the window/form fields in order for the change to be captured by Auditor. If the automated...

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