Can DRM be deployed via silent mode?

Can DRM be deployed via silent mode?

Almost all of our products can be installed in silent mode since the only thing that needs to happen is the copying of the cnk file to the GP folder.  A batch file could easily be written to copy a file.

DRM requires a bit more in that it must copy several files to the GP folder and the RocktonSoftware.DLL has to be registered, which can also be done from inside the batch file like this.

‘%~dp0regasm’ ‘%~dp0RocktonSoftware.dll’
‘%~dp0regasm’ ‘%~dp0RocktonSoftware.dll’ /tlb:’~dp0RocktonSoftware.tlb’
‘%~dp0regasm’ ‘%~dp0RocktonSoftware.dll’ /regfile:’%~dp0RocktonSoftware.reg’

If the report viewers you need are already installed, then you are done and this is a 100% silent install of DRM. 

However, if you have not installed the report viewers (Crystal and SQL) you will need to do so eventually and since those are standalone products with their own installers not related to DRM, they cannot be installed in silent mode.

So DRM can sort of be installed in silent mode, but because it uses 3rd party report viewer controls, it really cannot be installed 100% in silent mode.

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