Can I run a query against the Version Pro tables to do a comparison of our application versions?

Can I run a query against the Version Pro tables to do a comparison of our application versions?

Yes. When you install Dynamics GP Toolbox to use Version Pro you will want to install it on the server or a machine you wish to use as your master install. In other words, you should first install on the machine to which you would like all other machines to compare or match.

Version Pro stores the workstation information in a table (RSTBV02 – RSTB VP Log Master). Users can view version conflicts for all workstations that have Version Pro enabled by going to Inquiry | Dynamics GP Toolbox | Version Pro Conflict Log. This inquiry also includes the workstation information.

The information found in the Version Pro Conflict Log or the RSTB VP Log Master table is compared to the information stored in the RSTBV01 (RSTB VP Product Master) table.

You can use the information in the tables listed above to do your comparison, or the inquiry window.